Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Just Getting Started

This is the prerequisite post that I suspect accompanies any new blog... the "OK, this is my first time doing this," the "I'm not sure what all I'm going to include," and the "I am really excited about doing this" post that should never be written in the first place. Everyone knows it is your first post by the lack of additional posts and the only people that will see this at this point are your friends that you email the link to. And they don't want to read about how you don't know what to say anymore than a stranger does... However, these post do serve a purpose, they get the ball rolling and hopefully some constructive thought or idea is the eventual fruit. I somehow doubt that my diatribes will ever amount to thought or ideas though! Really, the only reason I am doing this is because my wife tells me she has started a Blog, but won't tell me the address. As hard as I have looked, I can't find it. So hopefully, the fact that I am doing the same to here will provide the requisite leverage. Am I a delusional husband or what?