Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Running States

I was reading a thread on a message board the other day that asked what states have you ever run in. It reminded me of a post of mine 2 years ago about what states I have ever been in. I know that at least Maine is new to the states visited list since that 2006 post. That was in response to a similar post on my sister-in-law’s blog. When I pulled that up I realized I could generate the same map, just for my run-in states. So here it is:

Now mind you, some of these are nothing more than a couple miles on a hotel treadmill, but, I was in the highlighted state at the time. If I were to generate one where I had participated in official races, that would just be Arizona and Georgia. Not much fun there! So the rule I used was the states where I made a concious decision to go for a run of at least a mile. This kicked out states like Colorado and South Carolina where games of kick the can at Grandma's house or capture the flag at my cousin's house, just don't count.

Another fun graphic would be to show how far my 920 miles over the last year would take me from my house. Some places at the outer edge of an "as the crow flies" ring include: Boston, Ottawa, Minneapolis, Lincoln, Abilene, San Antonio, and Cancun (not to mention a goodly portion of the Bahamas).


Real said...

And to think you've just been running in circles and coming back home again when all that work could have taken you to Cancun!

Real said...

And to think you've just been running in circles and coming back home again when all that work could have taken you to Cancun!

Real said...

And it kind of looks like an interesting political map. Strange red states...

Papa J said...

Hey, You've only got me beat by eleven. I'm glad you didn't add countries of the world. That would be even more of a "stretch" goal for me.